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Kakawin Sutasoma is a literary work from the 14th century, during the reign of the Majapahit kingdom under King Hayamwuruk and Prime Minister Gajah Mada, was composed by Mpu Tantular, who existed outside the corridors of power. 

The Kakawin Sutasoma narrates the life of Sutasoma, beginning from his birth through adolescence and his journey of discovery. Along this path, he encounters various facets of life, eventually leading to his marriage and coronation as a king.

Within the Kakawin Sutasoma, one finds expressions, words, and narratives related to Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), the Merah Putih (Red and White) colors of the Indonesian flag, and the Garuda, which are integral symbols and mottos of the Indonesian state.

Inspired by this literary masterpiece, Handojo feel compelled to contribute to the continuation of our traditions, culture, and artistic heritage inspired by the Kakawin Sutasoma.

Chapter 1 (Section 1 - 6)

The Birth of Sutasoma

In the mystical land of Astina, King Sangraja, ruler of a prosperous kingdom, fervently prayed for an heir—a son who would inherit the throne and continue the lineage. His prayers were answered, and Sutasoma was born. The infant’s arrival was celebrated with grandeur, as courtiers and nobles gathered to witness the dawn of a new era.


The Gilded Palace

Within the palace, Sutasoma’s upbringing unfolded amidst silk tapestries, golden chandeliers, and marble corridors. Servants attended to his every need, ensuring that he lacked nothing. The young prince reveled in the abundance of material wealth, yet a quiet longing tugged at his heart—a longing for something beyond the tangible riches that surrounded him.


The Weight of Destiny

As Sutasoma matured, whispers of his destiny echoed through the palace halls. He was the chosen one—the crown prince who would ascend to power when the time came. But destiny, like a veiled oracle, held both promise and burden. Sutasoma grappled with conflicting emotions. The weight of responsibility pressed upon him, urging him to embrace his role as the future ruler.


The Call of the Spirit

Yet, Sutasoma’s soul yearned for a different path. He sought not earthly dominion but spiritual enlightenment. The palace walls, adorned with opulence, felt confining. His heart craved solitude, the whisper of ancient trees, and the scent of incense in secluded shrines. The mundane affairs of court no longer held allure; instead, he hungered for the mysteries of existence.


The Silent Departure

One moonlit night, when the stars aligned in silent approval, Sutasoma made his decision. Without fanfare or proclamation, he slipped away from the palace, leaving behind the trappings of royalty. His departure was a secret shared only with the night breeze and the rustling leaves. The moon, a silent witness, bathed him in silver luminescence as he stepped beyond the palace gates.


The Journey Begins

Sutasoma embarked on a pilgrimage—a quest for truth, wisdom, and inner transformation. His princely attire gave way to simple robes, and his jeweled crown was replaced by a humble begging bowl. He wandered through dense forests, climbed mist-shrouded mountains, and sought the counsel of ascetics and sages. Each step took him closer to the essence of existence, away from the temporal and toward the eternal.

And so, the prince who could have ruled an empire chose instead to seek the kingdom within. His name—Sutasoma—would echo through the ages, not as a conqueror of lands, but as a seeker of the divine



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Chapter 2 (Section 7 - 13)

The Departure

As Sutasoma bid farewell to the palace, his mother’s heart clenched with both pride and anguish. She knew her son was destined for more than earthly grandeur. The corridors echoed with her silent prayers, urging protection for her beloved child. Yet, she understood that his quest transcended familial bonds.


The Sacred Ascent

Mount Semeru, shrouded in mist and myth, awaited Sutasoma. Its slopes whispered secrets—the wisdom of ages etched into every stone. As he climbed, the air grew thinner, and the mundane world faded. Here, the veil between realms was gossamer-thin, and mortal concerns melted away.


Dewi Widutkarali’s Revelation

On a moon-kissed night, Sutasoma encountered Dewi Widutkarali—a celestial being veiled in starlight. Her eyes held galaxies, and her voice resonated with cosmic truths. She bestowed upon him the Mahahrdayadharani mantra—an incantation that echoed through time, unlocking hidden chambers within his soul.


The Mantra’s Power

Mahahrdayadharani: a syllabic symphony that harmonized existence. When Sutasoma chanted it, mountains bowed, rivers hushed, and the very earth trembled. It was more than words; it was the heartbeat of creation. With each repetition, he felt closer to the cosmic pulse—the rhythm that bound all life.


The Temple of Vishnu

Amidst ancient banyan trees, Sutasoma stumbled upon the remnants of a forgotten temple. Its stones bore witness to epochs—the rise and fall of empires, the dance of gods, and the whispers of seekers like him. The temple was dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the preserver. Sutasoma traced the carvings, seeking answers.


The Symbolism

Within those weathered walls, he deciphered symbols—the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the unity in diversity; the Merah Putih, the red and white hues of his homeland; and the Garuda, the mythical bird that soared beyond boundaries. These were not mere carvings; they were cosmic codes—a roadmap to enlightenment.


Sutasoma’s Resolve

As dawn painted the sky, Sutasoma vowed to honor his lineage while transcending it. He would marry the earthly and the ethereal, wear the crown of kingship, yet remain a seeker. His reign would be one of compassion, justice, and unity—a reflection of the sacred mantra he carried within.

And so, Sutasoma continued his ascent, guided by the stars, the mantra, and the ancient temple. His footsteps imprinted on the sacred soil, leaving a legacy that would echo through eternity—a prince who chose the path less traveled, seeking not dominion over lands, but dominion over self. 







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Chapter 3 (Section 14 - 20)

Sutasoma continued his journey until he arrived at a hermitage, where he requested the company of a fellow hermit on the path to the cave where Shiva practiced his asceticism on Mount Semeru. There, they encountered another hermit named Sumitra, who happened to be a relative of the Queen (Sutasoma’s mother).


Sumitra shared the intricate family lineage and revealed a divine plan. She proposed a union between Sutasoma and Princess Candrawati. But that was not all—Sumitra recounted the heroic deeds of King Dhatraja, a legendary figure. She also narrated a remarkable encounter with Hyangwidhi, who appeared in the form of a celestial swan. Hyangwidhi granted Sumitra’s wish for a child, and miraculously, a son was born—initially disfigured and with ten hands. However, this child transformed into a handsome prince destined for greatness—a future king







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Chapter 4 (Section 21 - 22)

The Age of Kali

In the cosmic cycle, epochs come and go like celestial tides. Among them, the Kali Yuga stands as the darkest—the age of moral decline, strife, and spiritual degradation. It is a time when virtue wanes, and shadows lengthen. In this era, the boundaries between gods and demons blur, and the cosmic balance teeters on a precarious edge.


The Emergence of Suciloma

From the primordial abyss, Kali—the fierce goddess of time and dissolution—manifests her wrath. Her embodiment in the material world takes the form of Suciloma, a ravenous giant whose very presence sends tremors through the three realms: the earthly plane, the celestial abode, and the netherworld. Suciloma’s eyes blaze with malevolence, and his steps leave scars upon the fabric of existence.


The Havoc Unleashed

With each stride, Suciloma lays waste to kingdoms, extinguishes sacred fires, and shatters cosmic order. His laughter echoes through desolate forests, and his breath scorches the heavens. The gods tremble, their celestial weapons powerless against this force of chaos. The sages weep, for their sacred texts crumble, and their mantras falter. The very stars flicker, as if afraid to witness the unraveling of creation.


The Desperate Plea

Amidst the chaos, a lone figure emerges—a prince named Sri Agrakumara. His lineage traces back to ancient seers, and his heart burns with righteous fury. He seeks counsel from the wise hermit Sumitra, who reveals the hidden tapestry of fate. Sumitra, herself a descendant of queens and mystics, speaks of a divine plan—a union that transcends bloodlines and spans eons.


The Prophecy Unfolds

Sumitra recounts the deeds of King Dhatraja, a legendary hero who once wielded a sword forged from comet fragments. His valor shook the very foundations of existence. But it is another tale that captivates Sutasoma—the story of Hyangwidhi, the celestial swan who granted King Dhatraja’s wish for an heir. The child born was malformed, with ten hands—a harbinger of destiny.


The Transformation

Yet, this disfigured child transformed. His limbs merged, and his countenance shifted. He became a prince of unparalleled beauty—a beacon of hope. His name? Sutasoma. His destiny? To confront Suciloma, to wield the sword of ages, and to restore cosmic equilibrium. For within Sutasoma flowed the blood of gods and the fire of ascetics.


The Battle Ahead

And so, armed with ancient mantras and celestial blessings, Sutasoma ascends Mount Semeru—the very heart of creation. There, he will face Suciloma, whose hunger threatens to devour existence itself. The clash of titans will resonate across dimensions, and the outcome will shape the fate of all beings.

In this twilight age, heroes rise, and gods descend. The cosmic loom weaves their destinies, and the echoes of their struggle ripple through eternity










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Chapter 5 (Section 22 - 20)

Suciloma, reborn as Sudanda, possesses unparalleled powers. The saga continues…


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The Book of Kakawin Sutasoma

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The toothpick, used as a tool for painting Sutasoma, upon 300gsm paper.

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