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  • Writer's pictureMika Aicilef

People are Three Dimensional - The Sutasoma Sculptures

People are three-dimensional. They're not good or bad. They're not righteous or unrighteous. They are a million different things (David Harbour)

Since people are three-dimensional, we think it is easier to understand Kakawin Sutasoma in three-dimensional art works. Therefore, we move forward to create sculptures based on the figures found in the epic.

The first figure created in 3D art work - sculpture is the figure of Jayantaka.

There was a king named Purusada that caused chaotic. His origin in his previous life was known as Suciloma, a very powerful giant, but in the end he was defeated by Agrakumara who was the incarnation of Buddha. Suciloma later became a hermit and died.

Suciloma was born again as the son of the king of Sudasa named Sudanda, at first he was a king who was diligent in carrying out religious teachings, he was later given the title Jayantaka. However, after being given a gift by Rudra, he turned into a cruel king. The reason for the change was because he accidentally ate human flesh prepared by a replaced cook. Since then Jayantaka always wanted to eat human flesh, he became a Bhairawa believer and became the king of the giants and created chaos in the world.

Because Jayantaka is the birth of Suciloma and Sutasoma is the incarnation of Buddha, only Sutasoma can defeat him. However, Sutasoma still refused to become king and fought wars, preferring to become a hermit.

The sculpture of Jayantaka is created in a 1:1 proportion. The process is not stopped here. Until now the creation is still ongoing. Wimana - the name of the vehicle used by Jayantaka is created in a spectacular size about 7 meters height.

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