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  • Writer's pictureMika Aicilef

Kakawin Sutasoma a literature from the Majapahit Era written by Mpu Tantular

Updated: Feb 9

Welcome to Sutasoma Indonesia.

Explore the glory of a literature written during Hayamwuruk reign from the Kingdom of Majapahit, consisted the teachings that becoming the foundation of Indonesia as a nation.

It is all started from a literature titled SUTASOMA, from the 14th century era written during the era of King Hayamwurukuruk and his Mahapatih Gajah Mada.

Mpu Tantular is actually outside of the power circle, he wrote a literature known as Kakawin Sutasoma.

It tells the story of Sutasoma as the main figure starting from the time of his birth, adolescence and on his journey in seeking various things about life, until he gets married and is crowned as King. In Kakawin Sutasoma, there are a statement that becoming the foundation, symbols and mottos of our nation which is: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and so does Merah Putih and Garuda.

Handojo Simodihardjo an artist (but recently he said, he is freeing himself to be called 'an artist'), he was only interested and feel being called or inspired to continue the tradition, culture and art taken from Kakawin Sutasoma.

He chose to present the story taken from Kakawin Sutasoma in the form of wayang beber (which currently is rarely made). The presentation of Sutasoma embodied in an expanse sheets of paper loaded with the contemporary style of Wayang Beber. Or we can name it the modern style of Wayang Beber. To be accepted by the younger generations - Mrs. Sukmawati Soekarno Putri gave the term to Handojo's work as Wayang Beber in Traditional Surrealism.

Handojo said that he started his work from a painting that representing the framework of Pancasila, "It is started in 2009. But, until now, the ribbon in the painting of the Pancasila framework has not been completed. The true meaning of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is actually so deep. When I painted Chapter 3 (three) after 10 (ten) years continuously painting, the understanding of the real meaning came to my mind, and I am just not able to finish it yet."

Sutasoma, Phrase 147, point no: 2

For it is said that the goal of the one who carries out the contemplation of Jina is none other than to become one with the Buddha himself. Who is essentially the source of life in the three realms and is the teacher of the tripurusa and is the highest among the gods. Those who ventured through the seas and mountains to find it would only be in vain. For verily he resides in them. Only separated by the power of the three kinds of taints (lobha, dwesa, moha – delusion, attachment and hatred).

What we are doing as the effort to create a space to present Sutasoma; to preserve the teachings of the foundation of our nation and culture of the archipelago. And how to spread the value to our next generation. Most importantly through the understanding our main purpose in living this life that is clearly stated on phrase 147, point no. 2 copied above, to become one with THE CREATOR himself through our works, our devotions.


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